
When we eat a carbohydrate we absorb glucose into the bloodstream. As the glucose level rises the pancreas is triggered to release the hormone insulin. Insulin ensures excess glucose is stored in the liver and in the muscles. As this happens, the level of glucose in the blood goes down. In hyperinsulism too much insulin is released so too much fat is stored.

The amount of glucose in the blood is called the Glycæmic level. The measure of how much glucose is released by a carbohydrate food during the digestive process is called the Glycæmic index.

Food contains energy, but not all that energy will be released during the digestive process. The amount of energy released will depend on the chemical structure of the food and the way it will break down during digestion. The amount of energy absorbed from food by the body is measured by measuring the level of glucose in the blood after the food has been eaten. These measurements are then compared with the level of glucose in the blood after glucose has been eaten. Glucose is given a Glycæmic index of 100.

We can reduce the effects of hyperinsulism and so lose fat by eating food with lower Glycæmic index.

There are several factors that affect the Glycæmic index of a food.

Food page.